
VM mit Geo- Tools

eine Linuxmaschine mit vielen GeoTools (http://live.osgeo.org/en/overview/overview.html)


eine Demo unter http://cameronshorter.blogspot.com/2010/09/osgeolive-40-lightening-overview.html


OSGeo-Live 4.5 Contents
Browser Clients

OpenLayers - [QuickStart] - Browser GIS Client
Geomajas - [QuickStart] - Browser GIS Client
Mapbender - [QuickStart] - Geoportal Framework
MapFish - [QuickStart] - Web Mapping Framework

Crisis Management

Sahana Eden - [QuickStart] - Disaster management
Ushahidi - [QuickStart] - Mapping and Timeline for events


PostGIS - [QuickStart] - Spatial Database
SpatiaLite - [QuickStart] - Lightweight Database
Rasdaman - [QuickStart] - Multi-Dimensional Raster Database
pgRouting - [QuickStart] - Routing for PostGIS

Desktop GIS

Quantum GIS - [QuickStart]
GRASS GIS - [QuickStart]
gvSIG Desktop - [QuickStart]
User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig) - [QuickStart]
Kosmo Desktop - [QuickStart]
OpenJUMP GIS - [QuickStart]
SAGA - [QuickStart]
OSSIM - [QuickStart] - Image Processing
Geopublisher- [QuickStart] - Catalogue
AtlasStyler - [QuickStart] - Style Editor
osgEarth - [QuickStart] - 3D Terrain Rendering
MB-System - [QuickStart] - Sea Floor Mapping

Navigation and Maps

GpsDrive - [QuickStart] - GPS Navigation
Marble - [QuickStart] - Spinning Globe
OpenCPN - [QuickStart] - Marine GPS Chartplotter
OpenStreetMap - [QuickStart] - OpenStreetMap Tools
Prune - [QuickStart] - View, Edit and Convert GPS Tracks
Viking - [QuickStart] - GPS Data Analysis and Viewer
zyGrib - Weather Forecast Maps

Spatial Tools

GMT - [QuickStart] - Cartographic Rendering
GDAL/OGR - [QuickStart] - GeoSpatial Data Translation Tools
OTB - [QuickStart] - Image Processing
Mapnik - [QuickStart] - Cartographic Rendering
MapTiler - [QuickStart] - Create Map Tiles
R Spatial Task View - [QuickStart] - Statistical Programming
GeoKettle - [QuickStart] - Data Integration

Web Services

GeoServer - [QuickStart]
MapServer - [QuickStart]
deegree - [QuickStart]
MapGuide Open Source - [QuickStart]
QGIS mapserver - [QuickStart]
GeoNetwork - [QuickStart] - Metadata Catalog and Catalog Services for Web
52°North WPS - [QuickStart] - Web Processing Service
52°North SOS - [QuickStart] - Sensor Observation Service
ZOO Project - [QuickStart] - Web Processing Service


Natural Earth - Geographic Data Sets

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